Grand Canyon Packing List

Grand Canyon Packing List

What makes Arizona such a special place to call home are the numerous outdoor activities, different elevations, and most notably the 7th Wonder of the World, the Grand Canyon. Later this year I will be heading out to do a long awaited Rim to Rim hike, North Rim to South Rim, in hopefully 1 day... and I could not be more excited! 

Aside from my professional career as a Real Estate Agent, here's a little about my athletic background/experience. I served in the Marine Corps Infantry from 2004 to 2008, during which I hiked quite a few miles under heavy load. Since, I have been a novice cyclist, recreational runner/hiker, and most notably an avid CrossFitter since 2011.  

I've been wanting to visit the Grand Canyon for decades and despite being an Arizona native and avid hiker, I have yet to do it...

This blog post is simply a place holder, but I did a lot of research about the gear that I wanted to take and a lot of these items I've been using for years. So just wanted to quickly share my list with the world and I'll be back later to do a full breakdown and review of each item after my trip. I'll let you know the good, the bad, and the mistakes I made along the way, so you can hopefully avoid them. 

Below are my affiliate links to Amazon where you can find all of these items I'm taking. Also, this is by no means an all inclusive list, as individuals in my group will be carrying other useful items. Not to mention everyone is different; so please adjust according to your specific needs. And drop me a message if you have any opinions on what's missing or perhaps unnecessary to take.   




This is only what I plan on snacking on during the main hike itself; there are several different food options at the Rims and down at Phantom Ranch. 

Our plan is to spend the night at Bright Angel Lodge on the South Rim, the next day travel by Shuttle to the Grand Canyon Lodge North Rim and spend the night again, then set out on our hike around 4 AM. Finishing back up at the South Rim some 26 miles later; our route includes a short detour to Ribbon Falls.

There are several ways you can experience the Grand Canyon, that don't involve hiking 26 miles in one day, so start planning your trip now - I don't think you'll regret it.

~ Mikhail Quijada


Work With Mikhail

Mikhail's unparalleled attention to detail ensures that every aspect of the real estate transaction is handled with the utmost care and precision. Whether you are looking to buy or sell a luxury home, Mikhail's expertise and experience, along with his impressive sales record, make him the ideal choice for all your real estate needs.

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